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Legal Documents

We Will Help You Add More Authenticity to Your Legal Documents

Legal documents or legal instruments usually refer to any written instrument (either on paper or electronically) that can be upheld in court. They include but are not limited to contracts and agreements, purchase orders, letters of intent, applications, releases, waivers, and memoranda.

After signing the documents, the signatory or signatory is bound by a legally binding relationship. This legally enforceable relationship may be with any other individual or an organization. Usually, all kinds of agreements (verbal or written) can be enforced. However, if there isn’t a signed document, you can’t show the court what the provisions of the agreement were.

When you notarize your legal documents, they add an extra level of validity and authenticity to the agreements being made. At Note-it Mobile Notary, this is exactly what we do. We not only verify identities to prevent fraud, but we also ensure that all parties to an agreement have fully understood the conditions that are specified in the agreement. When we have ascertained that each party recognizes their responsibilities, we will stand in as an impartial witness on behalf of the state. Your notarized document is legally binding and can be held in a court of law if any breach occurs.

Most importantly, you do not need to stress about the notary when you have us on hand. We will come to your location at a time that fits your schedule. You do not have to waste precious time getting your legal documents notarized. Call Note-it Mobile Notary today!

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Office Location

Note-It Mobile Notary

Las Vegas, NV, 89032, US